Outer Space Pals


Panel #1 (Title)
• This is Outer Space Pals #6. In this installment, we start to talk about the Moon's phases.

Panel #3
• The only thing that determines the Moon's phase is the angle between the Sun, Earth, and the Moon. If the Sun and the Moon are on the same side of Earth, the Sun-Earth-Moon angle is 0°, and the Moon is New. If the Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of Earth, the Sun-Earth-Moon angle is 180°, and the Moon is Full. When this angle is 90° or 270°, the Moon's phase is First Quarter or Last Quarter, respectively.

Panel #4
• Moonie's remark, "Except I go around backward," refers to the fact that, if you could look down on our solar system, you'd see the Moon revolving in a counterclockwise direction around Earth.

Panel #5
• "Not to scale" hardly does this panel justice. The Sun actually is nearly 400 times farther from Earth than the Moon is. (The exact number is 389 times.) So, it would be way, WAY out of the panel to the left if even just the distances in this panel were to scale.

Panel #6
• We'll learn more about the Moon's phases in Outer Space Pals #7.